If I were to meet you in an elevator, this is what I’d tell you about me, pending the number of floors we had to travel together.
I am a dad to two incredible and wild little girls and have a wife that I am thankful for each and every day. My head is in the clouds and her feet our on the ground. I’m a police officer during the day, and as soon as that shift ends I take off my badge, I put on my entrepreneur hat to burn the midnight oil.
I own and operate self storage facilities and build businesses, all with the purpose of building an empire for my family.
I am an avid reader and find solace and peace in documenting the experiences of this journey through the written word and other forms of content.
If we were to grab a cup of coffee and talk more, this is what I’d say HERE
All said, though, thank you for joining me here and I would genuinely love to connect.