Kevin Bell

6 Steps To Closing Your First Deal

Twitter Post




“Deals don’t get done because of perfect terms, they get don’t because of shared values and trust”

I heard this the other day and boyyy is it true.

Inspired by this quote and the book “Influence” by Robert Cialdini, here are 6 key principles of influence to help SEAL THE DEAL. 🧵

  1. Reciprocity - When people receive something from you for, they are more likely to GIVE back to you.

Example: When you meet someone, offer them a piece of gum. Even that little gesture can establish this.

  1. Consistency / Commitment - Once someone makes a small commitment, they are way more likely to make a bigger one later. “Foot in the door” rule.

Example: In a 1966 study, homeowners were approached to post a 3” driver safety sign in their windows.

Weeks later, the homeowners that had those placed in their windows were much more likely to agree to a large sign in the yard.

  1. Social Proof - People are more likely to do something if others are doing it… especially if those others are relatable.


This is why Amazon has the “best seller” products labeled or why the reviews are so readily available.

  1. Authority - People constantly defer to experts or those that they perceive as experts.


People are more likely to buy from someone that they like know and trust. Through content, writings, appearances, talks, etc. it all establishes your authority.

  1. Liking - People like others that are LIKE them.


It’s not uncommon for the most successful salesmen in the world to try and mirror the clothing style of the clients they are trying to land a deal with.

  1. Scarcity - People want more of what they can’t have and what is scarce

Example: Black Friday, Cyber Monday… need I say more. 🤔