Kevin Bell

Acquisition Entrepreneurs: This Is The Ultra Simple Method I Use To Find The Best Deals

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My favorite strategy to build relstionships with brokers:

This works across all purchases; real estate, small businesses, SaaS companies, etc.

It’s all the same strategy and it’s about breaking through the layers of communication and getting on a level that the broker remembers you and what you’re looking for.

This has personally worked for me with storage facilities AND more recently with accounting/ bookkeeping firms were looking to acquire.

You might be saying “I don’t want an on market deal. I want to talk to the owner directly”.

Sure, me too, but guess who talks to more owners directly and has SUPER SPECIFIC insight on your niche market?

… Brokers.

When they list something, they’ve already shot it out a week or so prior to the people they’re in contact with the most / the people who’s buy box matches the deal. This might be with a general email if you’re on their personal email list OR maybe even a phone call talking about what just came across their desk.

Either way, talking to brokers can ONLY help you. Even for off market deals.

So here’s the scoop:

  1. Start by browsing your on market sites.

For storage:

For other businesses:

There’s a handful more, but these are the ones I like.

I’m not saying you have to buy an on market business, but this is where the brokers are.

  1. If you like the deal, awesome! Fill out a contact form and find out more info. You’ll get to chat with the broker that way. BUT even if the deal isn’t 100% what you want, if it’s in the industry you’re looking at, reach out to the broker anyway.

Try something like this:

Hello, my name is (Name) I am a (occupation) I are looking for a (business type) company to acquire. I’d love to speak to you further and share my buy box if this is something you ever come across.

I have an excel sheet with all the businesses / facilities we’re looking at and then go through and send that message over to those brokers. As I hear back from them I keep the conversation going.

  1. This is when I’ll mention my buy box.

For self storage it’s basically this:

For bookkeeping firms it’s this:

This whole process really isn’t difficult, it’s just tedious. It’s a matter of looking at a ton of deals and massaging the brokers.

You’ll get to know who’s in the game and build that relationship with them. From there you just keep your eyes and ears open and stay on top of it when they send you something not.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have ANY questions. And if I don’t know, I’ll try and find someone who does.