Kevin Bell

Conversations That Dads Need To Be Having

Twitter Post


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This is one of the coolest things I’m a part of right now.

It’s at its founding stage, but it is powerful and will have huge impact.

Here’s the story 👇

Mondays seem to go by in a blur.

The entrepreneur grind is turned up to 11 with emails flooding in.

The kids are in school and it was “purple day”…

come to find out we don’t have any purple clothes for my oldest 🤦🏻‍♂️

And THEN it’s really my only day to schedule any high quality zoom calls while I’m actually home.

With all the craziness of my normal Monday, it was a breath of fresh air to sit down on a call with @hittdog

One dad to another, we just talked.

We’re both ambitious dads who want more for our kids and want to BE more for them in all areas.

I found Jeff through @khemaridh and hopped on a workshop with him a little while back.

Jeff is building something incredible and I’m honored to be a part of it and see it being built from the beginning.

Jeff has been on a mission to learn and talk to other ambitious dads out there. Hear their secrets, the areas they fall short, the places they want to grow. The tricks of the trade.

And from this experience, he is building a community centered around these invaluable lessons.

The first workshops have been off the charts. So organic and full of transparency.

It’s really cool. I highly recommend following what @hittdog is doing and the community that’s forming here.

We’re all wanting to build empires for our families, but we need to make sure that we are consciously and intentionally building THEM up at the same time.

Easier said than done. That’s why I am learning from others that have been there and done that.

@hittdog is one of them.