Kevin Bell

Fall In Love With The Work

Medium Article

I'm working with a business consultant right now and through our discussion she asked me to breakdown the current businesses I have / the ones I'm working on. This was my breakdown. Whether or not you read about the businesses I have going on, the point isn't about the businesses.

The point is that I am absolutely SWAMPED. Overwhelmed and exhausted. SO much is up in the air and swirling around in my head. I say this to you because I know you are as well. And it's okay. It DOES get better. 

You're building right now. This is part of the season you're in and it will MAKE you. The "calluses" you build from all this hard work will just make you stronger. It's all part of the story you're writing as we speak.

One of my all time favorite quotes speaks to this: "One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide." Brene Brown

Now for the business list if you want to read further or collab on something 😉

Biz 1:

Self storage facility owner and investor. We have a facility in South Carolina and Kansas. Kansas being the most recent. We're working on expansion there right now and building that out. From there we're looking for our next acquisition. It's all very bootstrapped, but being in the industry for the last few years, we're getting to know the players and build our Rolodex so to speak. Ultimately, I want to acquire 2–4 facilities a year. And the dirty truth of real estate investing is that to do that, it's not a lot of money from ME, it's OPM. Other people's money.

Sellers carrying the note, bank loans, syndications, etc. this last facility was right though. But we're still building.

Biz 2:

A virtual assistant agency. This has been back burnered a bit, but it's still running-ish. Through our storage endeavors we got really good at hiring and training VAs. So we made a business out of it. We've gone about it in different ways, with different price structures. But right now, it's a one time fee to hire and train, then the VA is hired out and become part of the clients business. We specialize in self storage VAs, but have hired out others before. Honestly this would be a great business and has made us okay money, it's just spread us thin. I don't market it much. Maybe I should.

Biz 3:

My wife runs a bookkeeping company. She's a solopreneur right now, but we're working to expand her business. She's the worker bee and has been in the business for almost 15 years now, but recently launched her own company. I'm training up a VA to help her with some work load and we're looking at other bookkeeping companies to acquire to expand her client base. Genuinely, if you know of any bookkeeping companies selling, let me know 👊🏻

Biz 4:

A platform for showing you how to work your 9–5 while building your entrepreneurial empire on the side. We teach how to start, scale or even buy a business to get in the entrepreneur game. I know that was super "I help statement-ish" but were in the MVP stage of this right now. I will 100% keep you updated on that progress. SUPER excited about it.

Biz 5:

A private contracted homeless outreach, engagement and clean up service for cities. Our company would essentially show up to homeless encampments, offer shelter and resources, build rapport with the subjects and clean up the area from all the trash and property left out.

This isn't a flex. I probably shouldn't be doing all of those things, but here we are. I love every minute of it. 🤙🏻