Hold On To Your Passions
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How many benefits are worth the feeling that fills your insides with a complete and utter distaste for doing a certain job?
You have to have a strongggg WHY to wake up day after day and go through the motions of the clock in/ clock out cycle. It's about the roof over your head, the warm bed your kids sleep in, the food in the fridge, the gas in your car, the hot water in the shower.
But even those things won't fill that void forever. The disconnect between what you do and what actually fires you up is too big. In order to really last out there, you have to have hope. You have to have faith. You have to have belief that there really is something out there that you were meant to do.
Again, just those feelings of belief ONLY last a certain amount of time. What you REALLY have to be doing is PURSUING the paths that fill you with passion. Taking action in the direction of the fire that sits in your belly.
When you find those things, that's what will get you up in the morning. That's what you'll go to bed thinking about. That's what you'll see in your mind even on the darkest days. Find those passions and pursue them with relentless determination. The odds are, even if you miss your originally intended mark, you'll still find success to some degree. But more than anything, that passion will keep you ALIVE.