Kevin Bell

How to teach growth mindset to your kids

Twitter Post




Found this posted in my daughter’s classroom during back to school night.

The cool thing as that these lessons are ones that most of as adults are working on daily.

For those that need to hear it (🙋🏻‍♂️);

Mistakes are ok!

They help our brain grow stronger and we learn from them, which makes us smarter.

But the biggest lesson is using the word “YET”.

Rephrasing “I can’t do it” to “I can’t do it YET”

This creates a mindset of growth and for anything to become possible.

When you’re 5, it’s easy to imagine yourself being capable of anything. You have ALL the time in the world and very little life experience that has tainted you.

But as we get older, we settle. We compromise. We realize we might not be a professional athlete or go to the moon.

That habit of saying “I can’t” bleeds into everything else.

If we can practice the power of “yet”, even just a little bit more, we might surprise ourselves with what we accomplish.