Kevin Bell

Kids, Permission, Freedom & Books

Article From Entrepreneur Brain Dump

Kevin Bell

Kevin here-

Brain Dump consisting of thoughts 🧠 and noteworthy topics ✏️


Try putting broccoli on your kids plates for each meal.

They don’t have to eat it, but just by them seeing it multiple times a day, they get used to it. It becomes part of the norm.

Try this with yourself. Maybe it looks like a book on your nightstand or a note on your mirror.

Growth mindset is learned.


Give yourself permission to purge.

I got behind on all the newsletters I read with a busy couple of weeks.

I held them for 3 weeks past that as they continued to stack in my inbox.

It was stressing me out so I deleted all the unread ones and started the week over new.

It’s ok to purge. Newsletters, friends, bad habits. Do what you need to do.


True freedom is found operating within the guardrails.

It’s not always about breaking the rules or thinking outside the box.

Get to know your arena and go to battle inside the parameters.

Take taxes, for example. Learning to play by the rules of the IRS could make you millions


Kevin Bell

The books on my nightstand right now. Some I've read, some I'm reading, some I will read.

Kevin Bell What my nightstand ACTUALLY looks like when i'm not trying to take a cool picture. And yes, that is a sleeping mask. I like it DARK when I sleep.

What my nightstand ACTUALLY looks like when I'm not trying to take a cool picture. And yes, that is a sleeping mask. I like it DARK when I sleep.

Speaking of sleep, if you haven’t read ​Why We Sleep​, I highly recommend it. It will change the way you sleep.

#entrepreneur brain dump #newsletter #newsletters parenting