Kevin Bell

Mailers Vs. Cold Calling -- Which Works Best

Twitter Post

Kevin Bell

What converts better; Mailers ✉️ or cold calling? 📞

It definitely depends on the industry and the approach.

With storage, my team and I have focused much more on cold calling, but I know of a ton of storage investors that have had success with mailers.

With cold calling, it’s more of an immediate response. When they want to sell, they let you know. When they don’t… they also let you know.

From there, it’s all about the follow up and gathering the info needed to underwrite.

We’ll send an email after the call to gather more details and then once we send an LOI with a typically 3 options, we’ll follow up with another call.

For mailers, it’s more of a long play and the hope that they don’t throw your letter away.

But when they do open the letter and call you, you KNOW it’s a warm/ hot lead.

So how do you increase your chances that the letter will be opened and what do you put in there?

This is what we’ve done in the past.

Would YOU open this?