Kevin Bell

Raising Capital, Starting a Fund, Growing Portfolio; All In One Phone Call

Twitter Post


Just got off the phone with Dustin from Meow. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, ONE DM CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

Here’s the scoop and why this post is relevant:

Dustin and I connected through the DMs and hopped on a call. On the surface, just to talk about Meow. It’s incredible and changing the finance game. Big time. But I’ll let him break that down for you.

The real magic happened in the 18 of the 19min call we had.

Dustin is LEGIT and literally poured value out from the second we hopped on.

Before he even told me about Meow, he wanted to hear my story. He connected with me on the content I’m sharing and specific details to who I am. He did his research.

After hearing my background in storage and the various projects I’m working on, he was able to pull from the connections he has and share them with me based on what we just talked about.

To name a few, we’re talking about raising capital for deals, building a fund and growing my existing portfolio.

This was all under 20min.

I caught myself about half way in and said “man you are pouring so much value out to me, how can I help YOU?”

His response is that he knows that over time and through word of mouth the value that he’s providing will come back around.


This is the principle of reciprocity. When people receive something from someone they are more likely to give back.

100% 👆

If you’re an entrepreneur in the SMB space or just someone looking to build something big and know that you’ll eventually need to raise some capital, I highly recommend talking with Dustin.