Kevin Bell

Secrets From A Multi-Million Dollar Garage Door Biz

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Cold called a storage facility and in the conversation found out the owner also owns a garage door service company doing $3M in rev.

That fun little fact DEFINITELY directed the next part of the convo.

Here’s the scoop from a multi million dollar garage service biz:

They service doors and openers. Pretty simple.

He runs 5 trucks.

There are 3 other companies in the area and he is not even the slightest bit worried about them.

When I asked what sets him apart, he said:\

I asked him what HE would look for if he was going to acquire a garage door service business, he said to look for these things 👇

Obviously oversimplified, but he was a simple man and according to him, he ran a simple business.

Most important quote / takeaway:

“It’s all about your customers. Take care of them with quality service and they’ll take care of you.”