Kevin Bell

Stop Learning And Start Doing

Stop Learning And Start Doing

Are you a Needle Mover or are you a Consumer?

It’s easy to be a consumer and THINK you’re a needle mover. Most START there. You kind of have to. And that’s ok. I can’t think of too many people that weren’t ever consumers.

The difference is the amount of consumption that takes place. THIS is where you separate the amateurs from the pros. You can take all the courses and read all the books and network at all the conferences and talk all the talk as if you are walking the walk… but you’re not.

I know this because I’ve been there. Like I said, I believe this is a phase that most will go through to become NEEDLE MOVERS. But it shouldn’t be the destination.

It’d be like you talking about making an awesome dinner with all the fixings. You read the recipe 5 times, you called your friend that’s a really good cook, you bought a nice new pan and went to the store for groceries even… but you never cook the meal… and until you do, you can’t truly call yourself a chef.

It’s a natural thing to want to feel prepared and “ready” for the challenges you take on. But there comes a point (hopefully) when you are sick and tired of consuming…when you are through with the conceptualizing and paralysis analysis…when you are done messing around with the Junior Varsity team and you want to try out for Varsity…

And when you reach this point, you’ll know. It’ll slap you in the face with frustration of the stagnation and the impatience that burns like a fire. Lean into it. Let it fuel you and go FULL SEND with whatever the hell you dream of doing. Move that freaking needle, you’re not a consumer anymore.

#Sunday doughnuts #blog #books #growth mindset