Kevin Bell

The Secret To Dropping Your Kid Off At Kindergarten

Twitter Post

She's had childcare, then pre-school. She had T-K and a slew of different teachers over the last few years...

She’s technically been in school since she was two for the most part of every week, so then it shouldn’t be difficult to drop her off for her first day of kindergarten today, right?


There’s just something about that landmark that has so much impact.

I vividly remember the day that my parents dropped me off for the first day of kindergarten.

They walked me in, stayed in the class for a bit, Mrs G. read a story to us and then they left.

30 years later I STILL remember that. And so will she 30 years from now.

This is when it all really starts. There’ll be homework and projects. Field trips and birthday parties. Friend and bullies. Embarrassments and achievements. Tears and giggles.

THIS is the start of the next two decades of her life. This is the point in the parenting handbook that the chapter is called “Don’t Blink.” And that’s literally all that is written on the page because that’s the only thing that we need to focus on.

There’s so many other things that can be said, but this is the advice that EVERYONE always says, so it must be true.

Either that or “Enjoy these times, they go by fast” …

I’M TRYING! I really am.

We all are. We’re all trying to do it all.

To be the best parent possible for our little ones To be the best partner to our better half To build an awesome legacy for our little ones when they aren’t little anymore To lean into the things that WE are passionate about as well To earn a living and support all these wild adventures

We’re all trying.

But days like today, dropping that bright pink ball of sunshine off at school for the first day of the rest of her life, NOTHING else seemed to matter.

Not the businesses Not the projects Not the emails Not the missed calls Not the legacy

Nothing but my intense focus on not blinking. 👀

Here’s to all my parent peeps out there dropping their kiddos off for the first day of kindergarten. You’ve got this! 👊🏻