Kevin Bell

The Silent Ninja of the Habit Family

Twitter Post




You know this already, but you’re a creature of habit.

Good habits are good. Just ask @JamesClear. And of course, bad habits are bad.

But there’s a THIRD category of habits that no one talks about.

Today, I’m breaking the silence and telling you all about these sneaky little habits!



  1. Sitting in the same chair every day in a class or meeting you’re attending.

Have you ever noticed this? The seat you pick the first day is the one you go to (everyone goes to) the following days. I’m not saying you need to change, that comfort is, well, comfortable. But be aware of it. Realize there’s someone across the room you might not ever meet. Introduce yourself on a break.

This isn’t good or bad, just something to be aware of

  1. Multitasking while in a meeting

I’ve done it, you’ve done it, we’ve all done it. We’re supposed to be taking notes, but instead we’re replying to emails, posts, writing down ideas, sending texts, EVERYTHING but taking notes. That’s just the fast paced world we live in.

While this isn’t inherently BAD, we just have understand that we aren’t doing two things at once. We’re doing two things poorly. Rushed emails and not really paying attention. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  1. Mindless munching

Sometimes instead of fidgeting, we munch. And it’s mindless. It’s just something to do. Maybe we’re bored or it’s part of the routine to munch while watching a show or working through tough tasks. Regardless, it’s not bad necessarily… but it CAN be. If you’re a muncher, munch away. But if calories are ever a consideration, you might want to reassess what your chosen munchies are.

This isn’t a food post, but if you want healthy munch options, hit me up. I think we all know what’s healthy and what’s not though. 🤔

Neutral habits are the silent ninjas of the habit family. They’re the hit man that creep up on you and you don’t realize what hit you.

Don’t fall for their traps. Stay aware and proactive and you’ll be in the top percent of habit stackers.