Kevin Bell

The World Needs These Kind Of Thinkers

Twitter Post


Yesterday my daughter was running down the hallway and ran into the wall as she cut the corner a little too tight.

She walks up to me upset and says “dad, we need to make this house bigger to run in.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. But what I love most is the BIG thinking problem solving kids have.

It wasn’t a thought of “I need to run slower or be careful”

It was that something needs to be done to change the environment.

I know that at some point the majority of her thoughts like that will fade away, but for her sake, I hope they don’t.

The world needs big thinkers.

When there’s obstacles, instead of thinking that “things are the way they are”;

Think, “how can I make this better and bust through this brick walls.”

Keep thinking big, my friends!