Kevin Bell

How To Have Impact Like Dwayne Johnson

Twitter Post

This POST is so good! We all know this, but we often forget!

This also reminds me of Kevin Kelly’s “1000 true fans” article.

If you think about each interaction you have as:

  1. Treating them how you yourself would want to be treated as @SMBjourney puts it so well


  1. That person could become one of your true fans JUST from that interaction

THEN your interactions will all be so much more meaningful.

There’s a great story about Dwayne Johnson early in on his career where he was approached by a fan wanting a picture/ autograph.

At the time he didn’t feel in the mood or want to give them the interaction they wanted…

But then thinking back in it, he regretted that moment.

Realizing the power and responsibility to the fame he was developing.

He was able to realize this early on in his career and correct the path….

But imagine if we all realized this even without the “fame” or celebrity status.

Imagine the impact that we could have treating everyone like TRUE FANS

And IMAGINE, if we actually wanted to make an impact, how our interactions would have exponential influence JUST by being aware of these things.
