Kevin Bell

We Have No Choice But To Succeed

Twitter Post



If you’re going to tell me about your success, don’t leave out your failures. That’s the real story…

For years I’ve been writing.

Most of which was in the notes of my iPhone.

Alongside the writing; I’ve been building, investing, failing, pivoting and failing some more.

I had the image in my head that I’d publish once I really “figured it out”. It’d be a story of success.

But then it hit me that it wasn’t just the success stories that I was drawn to. It was the “in progress” stories that I found myself reading and wanting more of.

The origin stories.

The stories told from within the battlefield ABOUT the raw truths of the battle.

So I threw caution to the wind and hit publish.

First on a blog, then on a newsletter and now on X.

And the only thing I regret is not doing it sooner.

For years all of this has been locked away behind the wall of fear…

But now, in the words of @ShannonJean it’s all about turning that fear into fuel because we have no choice but to succeed.

Thank you to EVERY SINGLE subscriber and follower. I appreciate your willingness to follow along as each brick gets placed. 🧱