Kevin Bell

Your New Years Resolution Won't work -- This Will

Twitter Post

Instead of New Year’s resolutions that last until February, try this 👇

I’ve never been big into new years resolutions.

If I want to do something, I just do it.

It doesn’t have to be a Monday or a new year to start.

But THIS is the most epic blueprint to achieve yearly goals I’ve ever used, thanks to @JesseItzler .

We’re about halfway through the year and I’m taking a look through what I’ve done and what I still want to do in the next 6 months.

As 2023 ended and 2024 began, I realized that I had far more goals on my list than normal and I needed to figure out a way to organize what I wanted to accomplish and put together a blueprint to attack 2024 with massive purpose.

Inspired by Jesse Itzlers Big Ass Calendar and his approach to attacking life, these are my notes/ blueprint for how I am working through 2024.

STEP 1 - Close out the previous year

✅ Clean out your closet

✅ Clean out your desk

✅ Clean out your email (@danmartell goes through this really well in Buy Back Your Time)

✅ Full clean out of your car

✅ Handwritten letters to the people that have had a big impact on you (between 25-50 letters)

✅ Take inventory on what you’ve done


But WHY should you have a plan?? 👇


3 things to start the year

1️⃣ Misogi - One big year defining thing - If you look back on the year, this accomplishment will be the thing that you are most proud of. Something scary, exciting and challenging.

2️⃣ Every other month, take a day of the weekend and do something that you wouldn’t have otherwise done. A mini adventure. (6 mini adventures a year)

3️⃣ Every quarter add a winning habit to the routine. Examples

  1. Drinking enough water
  2. Never being late to a meeting
  3. Workout 5x per week

It doesn’t have to be expensive, whatever you love to do, do it.

STEP 3 - Vitamins

These are daily non negotiable that keep the needle moving. Even if just a little bit.


The idea is to create momentum daily through your consistency.


Sometimes your Misogi calls you.

Sometimes your goals choose you.

Sometimes the year doesn’t go as planned and you just have to show up to the new plan.

“Wars are won in the generals tent”