You're Not Guaranteed Tomorrow
By the time your kids turn 18, 90% of your parent-child time together is already spent.
I think we all know it, but there’s always a sense of “tomorrow is another day with more time”… Which is true, but at one point, “tomorrow” will be a day that your oldest leaves for college in another state.
Then you blink and “tomorrow” means that your youngest is leaving the house as well.
Tomorrow will be a day without toys and projects spread around the house.
Tomorrow will mean that you won’t have bed time snuggles, or late night wake ups where you’re the only person in the world they want to be with.
When tomorrow comes you might have a very open schedule without sports all weekend and birthday parties of their friends that they WANT you to be at.
When tomorrow comes, there will be so much more space in your bed, but it definitely won’t be as cozy.
Tomorrow, they’ll still have favorite movies, but not the ones that you used to watch with them Friday nights, on the couch with popcorn.
When tomorrow comes, you’ll be able to get where your going on tome and without rushing out the door… but it will be far less adventurous.
Tomorrow, you won’t have as much laundry, but you’ll miss finding single socks that sneak into your pockets that you find in the middle of the day.
Tomorrow, showers and baths will be quick and quiet, but you’ll miss being able to wrap up those tiny bodies in a warm monkey towel and carry them down the hallway to get jammies on.
… I think we know all these things. I think we are all aware that this is the potential that tomorrow brings, but still we live like we have more time than we do.
You’re in the grind trying to do big things for your family. You’re making big moves and laying the foundation for generational impact… I hear you… But don’t lose sight of WHY you’re doing all of it and WHO you’re doing it for.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed and one day, when tomorrow comes, you’re going to wish you could go back to “today”.